
Revolutionizing Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater Treatment is a Global Problem

The world generates TRILLIONS of liters of wastewater annually. Heavy industries are a major contributor to this while simultaneously consuming vast amounts of clean water. Historically viewed as an abundant resource, water is becoming scarce in large parts of the world. Over four billion people face water scarcity today, with these problems expected to worsen significantly over the coming decades.

Increasing demand for clean water coupled with rising regulations around wastewater disposal is turning wastewater management into a fundamental operating risk and a production bottleneck for these industries.

Oil & Gas

The ABX System

Aquafortus is a pioneer in non-thermal desalination technology.

The Aquafortus ABX™ system is a novel solvent exchange process that treats high TDS brines and efficiently produces clean water.

The ABX™ is a two-stage process. At the first stage a patented ‘Absorbent’ binds to the water molecules in a high TDS brine to separate the water from the dissolved solids.

At the second stage of the process a patented ‘Regenerant’ separates the water from the Absorbent so that the Absorbent can be continually reused in the system. The water and Regenerant is then separated by a membrane system to produce clean water while the Regenerant is re-circulated for reuse.